Sunday 12 August 2012

Poems For Blok

Your name is a—bird in my hand,
a piece of ice on my tongue.
The lips’ quick opening.
Your name—four letters.
A ball caught in flight,
a silver bell in my mouth.

A stone thrown into a silent lake
is—the sound of your name.
The light click of hooves at night
—your name.
Your name at my temple
—sharp click of a cocked gun.

Your name—impossible—
kiss on my eyes,
the chill of closed eyelids.
Your name—a kiss of snow.
Blue gulp of icy spring water.
With your name—sleep deepens.

~Marina Tsvetaeva~

Saturday 11 August 2012

It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me

~The Dark Knight~

Monday 6 August 2012

Hatred And Bitterness

It never really goes away... 
At some point it'll come back and haunt you... 
When you least expect it... 
~Ash Scarlet~

This Is How a Heart Breaks

This is how a heart breaks, 
quite simple really, 
you fall in too deep, 
in love or some other feeling, 
then its all over, 
and the heart is shattered, 
all that you have left, 
is old memories, 
this is how a heart breaks....

~Jess Terry~